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This entry was published on 2022-06-17
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Camps for children with developmental disabilities
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13-B
§ 1394-c. Camps for children with developmental disabilities. 1. Camps
for children with developmental disabilities, as defined in regulations,
and in compliance with the justice center for the protection of people
with special needs, shall be authorized to employ or contract with any
of the individuals licensed under articles one hundred thirty-two, one
hundred thirty-six, one hundred fifty-six, one hundred fifty-nine, one
hundred sixty-two and one hundred sixty-seven of the education law, to
provide professional services for any period during which the camp has a
valid permit to operate. Individuals hired under this section shall
communicate with the camp health director when medically necessary for
the sole purpose of providing health services that benefit campers and
staff at the camp while the camp is in operation. In cases where the
camp health director's lawful scope of practice is more limited than
that of the licensed professional providing services, the camp health
director shall not supervise the provision of such treatment, but shall
be informed of such treatment as medically necessary to ensure the
well-being of the camper and staff.

2. All decisions, identification or coordination of professional
services, or other professional interactions with campers and staff,
must be made based on the professional judgment of such licensees to
provide professional services within his or her lawful scope of practice
for the purpose of treating campers and staff during their attendance or
employment at such camp, pursuant to applicable regulations promulgated
by the commissioner in consultation with the commissioner of education.

3. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority
of another state agency if such state agency is otherwise authorized
under another provision of law to certify, license, contract or
authorize such camp, nor shall the authority to hire licensed
professionals pursuant to this section be construed to provide an
exemption of such camp from any certification, licensure, or any other
such requirement established by such state agency or under any other
provision of law.