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Duties of the department
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 20-B
* § 2013. Duties of the department. 1. Parkinson's disease reports and
data shall be maintained by the department in a manner suitable for
research purposes, and shall be made available to persons as set forth
in section two thousand twelve of this article.

2. All information collected under this article shall be confidential
insofar as the identity of individual patients is concerned and shall be
used solely for the purposes as provided in this article. Access to such
information shall be limited to authorized employees of the department
as well as persons and organizations defined in section two thousand
twelve of this article with valid scientific interest and
qualifications, as determined by the commissioner, who are engaged in
demographic, epidemiological, or other similar studies related to public

3. The department shall maintain an accurate record of all persons who
are given access to the information contained in the Parkinson's disease
registry. Such record shall include the name of the person authorizing
access, the name, title and organizational affiliation of persons given
access, dates of access, and the specific purposes for which information
is to be used.

4. Any person who, in violation of a written agreement to maintain
confidentiality, discloses any information provided under this section,
or who uses information provided under this section in a manner other
than that prescribed by the commissioner, may be denied further access
to any confidential information maintained by the department.

* NB Effective March 13, 2025