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This entry was published on 2024-12-20
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Duties of the commissioner
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 20-B
* § 2014. Duties of the commissioner. The commissioner may promulgate
any regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this article,
including but not limited to:

1. Establishing the form, content, and manner by which providers shall
report Parkinson's disease information into the registry established
under section two thousand twelve of this article;

2. Prescribing the permissible uses for the information made available
under this article; and

3. Establishing procedures to maintain the confidentiality of
information collected by providers and provided to members of the
department pursuant to this article. This shall include a procedure to
ensure that confidential patient information is deidentified prior to
being provided to authorized participants under this article.

* NB Effective March 13, 2025