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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 21, TITLE 3
§ 2135. Confidentiality. All reports or information secured by the
department, municipal health commissioner or district health officer
under the provisions of this title shall be confidential except: (a) in
so far as is necessary to carry out the provisions of this title; (b)
when used in the aggregate, without patient specific identifying
information, in programs approved by the commissioner for the
improvement of the quality of medical care provided to persons with
HIV/AIDS; (c) when used within the state or local health department by
public health disease programs to assess co-morbidity or completeness of
reporting and to direct program needs, in which case patient specific
identifying information shall not be disclosed outside the state or
local health department; or (d) when used for purposes of patient
linkage and retention in care, patient specific identified information
may be shared between local and state health departments and health care
providers currently treating the patient as approved by the