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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Tuberculosis; powers and duties of commissioner
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 22, TITLE 1
§ 2201. Tuberculosis; powers and duties of commissioner. 1. The
commissioner shall: (a) formulate such standards as he may deem
necessary in order to carry out the objectives and provisions of this
article and article six of this chapter relating to state aid for the
care and treatment of tuberculous patients;

(b) make a detailed study of the administration of existing public
hospitals caring for tuberculous patients throughout the state,
including the city of New York;

(c) make, adopt, promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations as
he may deem appropriate for the facilities, operation, administration
and the future conduct of public hospitals caring for tuberculous
patients throughout the state including the city of New York, under the
provisions of this article and article six of this chapter, and he may,
from time to time, amend or repeal the same;

(d) forward a copy of such rules and regulations to the board of
supervisors of each county and to the mayor of each city, eligible for
state aid under this article and article six of this chapter;

(e) have full power and authority to examine any or all records,
reports and other data pertaining to patients or the facilities,
operation or administration of a hospital providing care or treatment of
tuberculous patients for which a county or city applies for state aid;

(f) have full power and authority to examine or cause to be examined
any patient in a hospital providing care or treatment for which a county
or city applies for state aid;

(g) have full power and authority to make or cause to be made such
laboratory tests or X-ray examinations as in his judgment may be

(h) have power and authority to recommend to counties and cities such
changes in the facilities, operation or administration of public
hospitals caring for tuberculous patients throughout the state,
including the city of New York, as, in his judgment, are necessary for
the county or city to qualify for state aid under the provisions of this
article and article six of this chapter and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder.