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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Tuberculosis; removal of patients to another state or country; costs
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 22, TITLE 1
§ 2204. Tuberculosis; removal of patients to another state or country;
costs. 1. When any state charge, as defined in this article, who has
not acquired state residence has settlement or residence or otherwise
belongs to or in any other state or country, has legally responsible
relatives or friends willing to undertake the obligations to support him
or to aid in supporting him in such other state or country, the
department may furnish him with transportation to such state or country,
provided, in the judgment of the commissioner the interest of the state
and the welfare of such person will be promoted thereby.

2. The commissioner shall designate or employ nurses or attendants to
accompany such persons being removed out of the state unless it appears
that such persons are in suitable condition to travel alone with safety.

3. The expense of such removal shall be paid from the state treasury
on the audit and warrant of the comptroller pursuant to a verified
account submitted by the department, and the commissioner shall
thereupon seek reimbursement for such expense from the state or country
of residence.