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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Houses of prostitution; abatement; release of property on filing bond
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 23, TITLE 2
§ 2332. Houses of prostitution; abatement; release of property on
filing bond. 1. If the owner of the premises in which a nuisance, as
defined in this article, has been maintained appears and pays all costs
of the proceeding and files a bond with sureties to be approved by the
court in the full value of the property, to be ascertained by the court,
or in vacation by the judge thereof, conditioned that he will
immediately abate said nuisance and prevent the same from being
established, or kept therein within a period of one year thereafter, the
court, or in vacation the judge, if satisfied of his good faith, may
order the premises, closed or sought to be closed under the order of
abatement, delivered to said owner, and said order of abatement
cancelled so far as the same may relate to said real property.

2. The release of the property under the provisions of this section
shall not release it from the injunction herein provided against the
property nor any of the defendants nor from any judgment, lien, or
liability to which it may be subject by law.