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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cancer institute; functions; powers and duties
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 2
§ 2421. Cancer institute; functions; powers and duties. 1. The state
institute for the study of malignant diseases, shall conduct
investigations of the cause, mortality, treatment, prevention and cure
of cancer and allied diseases.

2. Persons afflicted with cancer or allied diseases, may be received
free of charge in the said state institute for study, experimental or
other treatment, under regulations established by the commissioner.

3. The direction of related research work in whole or in part toward
malignant diseases in connection with conditions other than cancer shall
not be a violation of the conditions of the grants made pursuant to the
provisions of chapter one hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen
hundred eleven.