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This entry was published on 2018-04-27
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Newborn health and safe sleep study
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 1
ยง 2508. Newborn health and safe sleep study. There shall be
established in the department, by the commissioner, a newborn health and
safe sleep study designed to reduce infant mortality rates across the
state and enhance existing strategies to improve safe sleep practices.
The department, in consultation with health care providers, hospitals,
safe sleep product manufacturers, provider groups, the New York state
office of children and family services, and any other person or entity
the commissioner deems necessary, shall conduct a study on the
effectiveness of existing safe sleep practices and identify additional
safe sleep practices that reduce infant mortality rates. The study shall
include a review of baby boxes and other products aimed at encouraging
safe and healthy sleep practices. The department shall report to the
legislature within twelve months of the effective date of this section
on the results of this study. Within twelve months after the completion
of the study, the department shall conduct a pilot program aimed at
improving caregiver education and continued safe sleep practices in
counties or areas with high infant mortality rates, and also shall
pursue available funding options and make efforts to establish a
public-private partnership with organizations that promote such causes
or manufacture such products in order to seek to obtain donations for
these purposes.