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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 3-A
* § 2562. Rules. 1. The commissioner shall establish a community doula
expansion grant program for eligible providers to receive funding in the
performance of recruitment, training, certification, supporting, and/or
mentoring of community-based doulas. Such eligible providers shall meet
professionally recognized training standards, comply with applicable
state law and regulations, and shall be capable of providing culturally
congruent care.

2. The commissioner is authorized, within amounts appropriated for
such purpose, to make grants in accordance with this subdivision. Such
grants may be used for but not limited to the administration, faculty
recruitment and development, start-up costs and other costs incurred for
providing recruitment, training, certification, supporting, and/or
mentoring of community-based doulas.

3. There shall be an emphasis of appropriating grants to eligible
providers that specifically train, recruit, and employ doulas from
historically vulnerable communities, and bilingual doulas. This may
include grants for doula apprentice programs.

4. Information about the community doula expansion grant program shall
be posted on the department's website.

* NB Repealed March 31, 2025