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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25, TITLE 6*
§ 2586. Definitions. As used in this title, the following terms shall
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires

1. "Eligible institution" means any child or adult day care
institution defined in federal law, rule or regulations eligible to
receive cash assistance under the federal child care and adult food
program. A child day care program shall be licensed by the department of
social services or licensed or otherwise approved by a state or local
government agency or shall operate under the auspices of a sponsoring
organization licensed by the department of social services. An adult day
care program shall be licensed and approved by the department or other
state agency or shall operate under the auspices of a sponsoring
organization licensed or approved by the department or other state

2. "Program" means the federal child care and adult food program. (42
USCS § 1766).