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Reproductive freedom and equity grant program
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 25-A
§ 2599-bb-1. Reproductive freedom and equity grant program. 1. As used
in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) "Abortion" shall mean the termination of pregnancy pursuant to
section twenty-five hundred ninety-nine-bb of this article.

(b) "Health care services" shall mean the range of care related to the
provision of abortion.

(c) "Program" shall mean the reproductive freedom and equity grant
program established pursuant to subdivision two of this section.

2. There is hereby established in the department a reproductive
freedom and equity grant program to ensure access to abortion care in
the state. The program shall provide funding to abortion providers and
non-profit organizations that provide or facilitate access to abortion
care. The program shall be designed to provide support to abortion
providers and non-profit organizations to increase access to care, fund
uncompensated care, and to address the support needs of individuals
accessing abortion care. Funding used to support the program shall be
subject to appropriation.

3. The commissioner shall distribute funds made available for
expenditure under this section. In determining funding for applicants
under the grant program, the commissioner shall consider the following
criteria and goals:

(a) Increase access to care by growing the capacity of abortion
providers to meet present and future care needs. Funds may be awarded to
support the recruitment, hiring, and retention of clinical and medical
staff, costs of increasing the number of hours, days, and/or alternate
times for currently employed clinical staff to provide increased access,
care management and navigation, staff training, outreach and marketing
costs, and other operational needs that increase access to abortion

(b) Fund uncompensated health care services associated with abortion
care, to ensure the affordability of and access to care for individuals
who lack ability to pay for care, for individuals who lack insurance
coverage, are underinsured, or whose insurance is deemed unusable by the
rendering provider.

4. In establishing and operating the program, the commissioner may
consult a range of experts including but not limited to individuals and
entities providing abortion care, abortion funds and other organizations
whose mission is to expand access to abortion care, to ensure the
program structure and expenditures reflect the needs of abortion
providers, abortion funds and consumers. The commissioner may make
regulations necessary for implementing the program.

5. The department and any non-profit organization or abortion provider
receiving funds from the program shall take all necessary steps to
ensure the confidentiality of the individuals receiving services
pursuant to state and federal laws. The commissioner may request
aggregate, de-identified information about how funding allocated
pursuant to the program is spent, provided that no information which,
alone or in combination, would permit a patient, provider, or an
individual who sought, received, provided, or supported health care
services under the program to be identified may be requested or shared.