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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Statement of policy and purposes
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 7
* § 268. Statement of policy and purposes. The purpose of this title
is to codify the establishment of the health benefit exchange in New
York, known as NY State of Health, The Official Health Plan Marketplace
(Marketplace), in conformance with Executive Order 42 (Cuomo) issued
April 12, 2012. The Marketplace shall continue to perform eligibility
determinations for federal and state insurance affordability programs
including medical assistance in accordance with section three hundred
sixty-six of the social services law, child health plus in accordance
with section twenty-five hundred eleven of this chapter, the basic
health program in accordance with section three hundred sixty-nine-gg of
the social services law, the 1332 state innovation program in accordance
with section three hundred sixty-nine-ii of the social service law, and
premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, together with
performing eligibility determinations for qualified health plans and
such other health insurance programs as determined by the commissioner.
The Marketplace shall also facilitate enrollment in insurance
affordability programs, qualified health plans and other health
insurance programs as determined by the commissioner, the purchase and
sale of qualified health plans and/or other or additional health plans
certified by the Marketplace pursuant to this title, and shall continue
to have the authority to operate a small business health options program
("SHOP") to assist eligible small employers in selecting qualified
health plans and/or other or additional health plans certified by the
Marketplace and to determine small employer eligibility for purposes of
small employer tax credits. It is the intent of the legislature, by
codifying the Marketplace in state statute, to continue to promote
quality and affordable health coverage and care, reduce the number of
uninsured persons, provide a transparent marketplace, educate consumers
and assist individuals with access to coverage, premium assistance tax
credits and cost-sharing reductions. In addition, the legislature
declares the intent that the Marketplace continue to be properly
integrated with insurance affordability programs, including Medicaid,
child health plus and the basic health program, the 1332 state
innovation program, and such other health insurance programs as
determined by the commissioner.

* NB There are 2 § 268's