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The traumatic brain injury services coordinating council
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 27-CC
§ 2744. The traumatic brain injury services coordinating council. 1.
The traumatic brain injury services coordinating council is hereby
established and shall consist of the following persons or their
designees: the commissioner, the commissioner of the office for people
with developmental disabilities, the office of mental health, the
commissioner of education, the commissioner of alcoholism and substance
abuse services, the commissioner of social services, the state advocate
for the disabled and the commission on quality of care for the mentally
disabled. In addition, the council shall consist of the following
persons: five persons appointed by the governor, three of whom shall be
persons with traumatic brain injury and two of whom shall be
representative of the public and have a demonstrated expertise and
interest in traumatic brain injury; two persons appointed by the
temporary president of the senate, one of whom shall be a person with
traumatic brain injury and one of whom shall be representative of the
public and have a demonstrated expertise and interest in traumatic brain
injury; two persons appointed by the speaker of the assembly, one of
whom shall be a person with traumatic brain injury and one of whom shall
be representative of the public and have a demonstrated expertise and
interest in traumatic brain injury, one person appointed by the minority
leader of the senate who shall be a person with traumatic brain injury
or be representative of the public and have a demonstrated expertise and
interest in traumatic brain injury; and one person appointed by the
minority leader of the assembly who shall be a person with traumatic
brain injury or be representative of the public and have a demonstrated
expertise and interest in traumatic brain injury. Of the five persons
appointed by the governor, three shall serve for a term of one year, one
shall serve for a term of two years and one shall serve for a term of
three years. Of the two persons appointed by the temporary president of
the senate, one shall serve for a term of two years and one shall serve
for a term of three years. Of the two persons appointed by the speaker
of the assembly, one shall serve for a term of two years and one shall
serve for a term of three years. The person appointed by the minority
leader of the senate and the person appointed by the minority leader of
the assembly shall serve for a term of one year. Subsequent appointments
for vacancies shall be for a term of three years and shall be filled in
the same manner as the original appointment.

2. (a) The council shall be charged with recommending to the
department long range objectives, goals and priorities. It shall also
provide advice on the planning, coordination and development of needed
services. In making such recommendations, the council shall consider:

(i) the availability and accessibility of services for individuals
diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, the cost of receiving such
services, and any disparities that may exist in the regional
availability of services;

(ii) emerging trends in traumatic brain injury, including changes in
incidences, changes in the needs of individuals with traumatic brain
injury, and assess the training service providers receive relating to
traumatic brain injury;

(iii) the difference in services availability and outcomes for
individuals that may be enrolled in any Medicaid waiver; and

(iv) the efficiency of the administrative processes that provide
individuals with traumatic brain injury official approvals or denials of

(b) The council shall post the recommendations developed pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this subdivision on the department's website on or
before one year from the date this paragraph shall take effect and
annually thereafter.

3. The members of the council shall receive no compensation for their
services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
incurred in the performance of their duties hereunder, subject to the
approval of the commissioner.

4. (a) Within the traumatic brain injury services coordinating council
there shall be established a concussion management advisory committee
which shall develop recommendations specific to concussion management,
academic scholarship, and public awareness for submission to the
traumatic brain injury services coordinating council for consideration.
The committee shall consist of members appointed from the membership of
the traumatic brain injury services coordinating council by a majority
vote of the council. Additional committee members may be appointed by
the commissioner and shall have demonstrated experience with or
expertise in one of the following areas: public health expertise related
to mild traumatic brain injuries and concussions, academic research in
the area of traumatic brain injuries and concussion management, and
public awareness experience related to the recognition of mild traumatic
brain injuries and concussions. Committee membership shall not exceed
twelve members. The committee may consult with a member or members of
the public who have demonstrated expertise and interest in mild
traumatic brain injuries and concussions.

(b) The recommendations of the advisory committee shall include, but
not be limited to:

(i) methods to raise public awareness of mild traumatic brain injuries
and concussions;

(ii) the development of outreach services to provide coordinated
information regarding the recognition and management of mild traumatic
brain injuries and concussions; and

(iii) the development of a clearinghouse of academic research and
scientific findings related to the recognition, management, and
treatment of mild traumatic injuries and concussions.