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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Residential health care facility quality incentive payment program
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
§ 2801-f. Residential health care facility quality incentive payment
program. Subject to amounts appropriated for the residential health care
facility quality incentive payment program, the department may make a
payment to operators of residential health care facilities, located in
social services districts which do not include a city with a population
of over one million persons, that are in compliance with applicable
statutes and regulations in order to enhance the quality of patient care
and patient safety. Provided that prior to receiving quality incentive
payment program funds, the facility shall submit an expenditure plan to
the department. Such plan shall detail how the quality incentive payment
program funds will be used to improve the physical environment of the
facility or the quality of care and services rendered to residents.