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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Access to product recall information
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
§ 2803-s. Access to product recall information. The commissioner shall
require that every hospital and birth center distribute at the time of
pre-booking or admission directly to each maternity patient and, upon
request, to the general public an informational leaflet. Such leaflet
shall be designed by the commissioner in conjunction with the secretary
of state and shall contain information detailing how parents or
guardians of infants and children can subscribe to the United States
consumer product safety commission's e-mail subscription lists to
receive consumer product recall and safety news by e-mail from the
United States consumer product safety commission and such other material
as deemed appropriate by the commissioner. Such leaflet shall be made
available to hospitals and birth centers by the department on its
website and shall be provided in English, as well as the top six
languages other than English spoken in the state according to the latest
available data from the United States Bureau of Census.