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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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Preadmission information
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
* § 2803-t. Preadmission information. Any hospital that provides
preadmission information to a patient, shall offer a blind or visually
impaired patient a large print version or, at the patient's or patient's
representative's request, an audio recording, to be made available to
such patient or such patient's representative on compact disc or other
medium as the hospital may offer, or as an electronically transmitted
digital file, in addition to a written copy of any preadmission

* NB Effective until March 21, 2025

* § 2803-t. Preadmission information. 1. Any hospital that provides
preadmission information to a patient, shall offer a blind or visually
impaired patient a large print version or, at the patient's or patient's
representative's request, an audio recording, to be made available to
such patient or such patient's representative on compact disc or other
medium as the hospital may offer, or as an electronically transmitted
digital file, in addition to a written copy of any preadmission

2. Each hospital shall include a disability accommodations needs
assessment on their patient intake forms. The following statement and
questions related to a patient's disability accommodations needs
assessment shall read as follows:

"Please note, the following questions regarding your disability status
are voluntary and you are not required to answer the questions if you do
not wish to.

(a) Does the patient have a disability that requires accommodation
under The Americans with Disabilities Act?

(b) If so, what is the nature of the patient's disability?

(c) Is the patient requesting a reasonable accommodation?

(d) If so, what is the reasonable accommodation requested?

(e) Does the patient wish to discuss accommodations with their
healthcare provider?"

3. Nothing contained herein shall require a patient to answer the
inquiries about a disability if they wish not to do so.

* NB Effective March 21, 2025