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This entry was published on 2025-01-03
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SECTION 2808-E*2
Nursing home ratings
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
* § 2808-e. Nursing home ratings. 1. The commissioner shall provide
that the most recent star rating of every nursing home facility in the
state, assigned pursuant to the inspection rating system of the U.S.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (overall CMS rating), shall
be prominently displayed on the home page of the department's website,
or by an easily accessible link to such information.

2. Each nursing home facility shall post its overall CMS rating and
ratings for health inspections, staffing and quality measures on the
homepage of any website maintained by such facility and on any website
or webpage relating to such facility maintained by an entity which owns
or operates such facility. Each nursing home shall also conspicuously
post its most recent overall CMS rating and ratings for health
inspections, staffing and quality measures so that it is visible to the
general public and to residents.

* NB There are 2 § 2808-e's