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Residential care off-site facility demonstration project
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
* § 2822. Residential care off-site facility demonstration project. 1.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, there is hereby created a
demonstration program within the department to assess reimbursement
methodologies and delivery methods in conjunction with the provision of
physical, occupational, and speech therapy and related education
services provided by licensed professionals acting within their scope of
practice and employed by a residential health care facility at an
off-site facility operated by a residential health care facility. As
part of the demonstration program, a selected provider shall be
authorized to provide such therapy and related services for persons in
need of such care.

2. The department may approve up to three providers as part of the
demonstration program.

3. In order to be an eligible provider an applicant must be issued an
operating certificate for the provision of residential health care
services pursuant to this article which shall include a certificate to
provide on-site outpatient services and demonstrate that the provision
of all physical, occupational, and speech therapy and related education
services provided at the off-site facility will be in accordance with
all applicable safety standards set forth in state and local law.

4. Any provider selected to participate in the demonstration program
shall annually report to the department on the number of patients
served, the type of services provided, the cost of such services, the
sources of payment for such services, safety standards in place for the
provisions of such services and such other information as required by
the department to develop reimbursement methodologies and fee schedules
for limited services and to determine the effectiveness of the provision
of therapy and related services at an off-site facility operated by a
residential health care facility. During the demonstration period, an
eligible provider approved for the purposes of this section shall not
have their medical assistance rates adjusted for any additional costs
related to such demonstration project.

* NB Repealed June 30, 2027