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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Medically fragile young adults
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 28
* § 2831. Medically fragile young adults. 1. For purposes of this
section, "medically fragile young adults" shall mean individuals who
meet the definition of children with medical fragility, but for the fact
such individuals are aged between twenty-one and thirty-five years old.

2. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to allow
medically fragile young adults who reside in pediatric specialized
nursing facilities to remain at such facilities. Unless a higher
reimbursement rate is expressly authorized by the department, the
reimbursement rate and methodology for such medically fragile young
adults shall remain the same as it was prior to reaching age twenty-one
and shall include a daily per diem rate and coverage for bed holds.
Medicaid reimbursement for this population for reserved beds due to
hospitalization and for therapeutic and hospice leaves of absence must
remain at one hundred percent of the Medicaid rate of medically fragile
children, without any daily limit for this population.

3. This section shall be effective if, and as long as, federal
financial participation is available therefor.

* NB Effective September 13, 2025