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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Receipt and disbursement of funds
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 29
ยง 2902. Receipt and disbursement of funds. The department of taxation
and finance is authorized to accept and receive from the federal
government any moneys which the federal government shall offer to the
state to assist it to inventory its hospitals, to survey the need of
construction of hospitals, to develop a program for construction of
public and nonprofit hospitals and to carry out the plan for
construction of such hospitals in accordance with such program, and
generally for all the purposes for which any such moneys shall be
offered under or pursuant to any federal law heretofore or hereafter
enacted authorizing grants to the state for such purposes or similar
purposes, including payments to political subdivisions or any public or
other nonprofit agencies of the state.

Any and all such grants and moneys awarded for assistance to this
state under or pursuant to any federal law shall be accepted and
received by the department of taxation and finance as custodian thereof
and such moneys, so received, shall be deposited by such department of
taxation and finance in a special fund or funds and shall be used
exclusively for the purposes of any such federal law. Such moneys shall
be paid from such fund or funds on the audit and warrant of the
comptroller upon vouchers certified or approved by the commissioner.

Any moneys appropriated or otherwise available to the department of
health may be disbursed by it to any political subdivision or voluntary
nonprofit agency or, on the advice of the state hospital review and
planning council, to any health systems agency, pursuant to contract for
services rendered to effectuate the purposes of this article.