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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Designation as agency to administer federal hospital program in New York
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 29
§ 2903. Designation as agency to administer federal hospital program
in New York. The department of health is hereby designated, and
empowered to act, as the sole agency of the state, to carry out the
purposes of any such federal law or laws heretofore or hereafter
enacted. Such department is authorized to submit an inventory and survey
in accordance with federal law, containing all information required by
the surgeon general and a state plan providing for constructoin of
adequate hospital facilities for the people residing within the state,
regardless of their ability to pay therefor, without discrimination on
account of race, creed or color, as may be required by such federal law
or laws relating thereto, and to administer or supervise the
administration of any plan or plans or otherwise act thereunder.

Application for funds, authorized to be received and accepted by the
department of taxation and finance under section twenty-nine hundred two
of this article, shall be made by the department of health to the
surgeon general of the United States public health service or other
appropriate agency.