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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 29-CCC
* § 2994-gg. Immunity. No person shall be subjected to criminal
prosecution or civil liability, or be deemed to have engaged in
unprofessional conduct, for honoring reasonably and in good faith
pursuant to this section a nonhospital order not to resuscitate, for
disregarding a nonhospital order pursuant to section twenty-nine hundred
ninety-four-ee of this article, or for other actions taken reasonably
and in good faith pursuant to this section.

* NB Effective until March 21, 2025

* § 2994-gg. Immunity. No person shall be subjected to criminal
prosecution or civil liability, or be deemed to have engaged in
unprofessional conduct, for honoring reasonably and in good faith
pursuant to this article a nonhospital order not to resuscitate, for
disregarding a nonhospital order pursuant to section twenty-nine hundred
ninety-four-ee of this article, or for other actions taken reasonably
and in good faith pursuant to this article.

* NB Effective March 21, 2025