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Availability of ambulance service and advanced life support first response service to store and distribute blood and initiate and adminis...
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 30
§ 3003-b. Availability of ambulance service and advanced life support
first response service to store and distribute blood and initiate and
administer blood transfusions. 1. An ambulance service or advanced life
support first response service licensed under this article may store and
distribute human blood and blood products at all their facilities and
qualified medical and health personnel, as defined in this article,
operating within an ambulance service or advanced life support first
response service licensed under this article, may initiate and
administer human blood and blood product transfusions while providing
ambulance services or advanced life support care via an advanced life
support mobile unit. As used in this section, " ambulance services"
means emergency medical care and the transportation of sick or injured
persons by motor vehicle or aircraft to, from or between general
hospitals or other health care facilities.

2. Notwithstanding title five of article five of this chapter, any
ambulance service or advanced life support first response service
licensed under this article may store and distribute human blood and
blood products in accordance with standards for the storage of blood
products of the United States Food and Drug Administration and any
rules, regulations, guidance or minimum standards established pursuant
to this section.

3. Prior to storing and distributing blood or allowing qualified
medical and health personnel to initiate and administer blood
transfusions under this section, the ambulance service or advanced life
support first response service shall ensure that it is in compliance
with the rules, regulations, guidance or minimum standards established
pursuant to this section and other applicable emergency medical service
requirements, and shall provide notification of intent to store and
distribute blood or allow qualified medical and health personnel to
initiate and administer blood transfusions as part of their ambulance
services or advanced life support care at least sixty days prior to
beginning such care.

4. The state emergency medical services council, with the approval of
the commissioner, shall promulgate rules and regulations to effectuate
the purposes of this section.