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Emergency medical services system and agency performance standards
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 30
§ 3004. Emergency medical services system and agency performance
standards. 1. The state emergency medical services council and with
input from the regional emergency medical services councils, in
collaboration and with final approval of the department, shall create an
emergency medical services system and agency performance standards
(hereinafter referred to as "performance standards") for the purpose of
sustaining and evolving a reliable emergency medical services system
including but not limited to emergency medical services agencies and any
facility or agency that dispatches or accepts emergency medical services

2. The performance standards may include but shall not be limited to:
safety initiatives, emergency vehicle operations, operational
competencies, planning, training, onboarding, workforce development and
engagement, survey responses, leadership and other standards and metrics
as determined by the state emergency medical services council, with
approval of the department, to promote positive patient outcomes,
safety, provider retention and emergency medical services system
sustainability throughout the state.

3. The performance standards shall require each emergency medical
services agency, dispatch agency or facility that accepts emergency
medical services resources to perform regular and periodic review of the
performance standards and its metrics, perform surveys, identification
of agency deficiencies and strengths, development of programs to improve
agency metrics, strengthen system sustainability and operations, and
improve the delivery of patient care.

4. The department, after consultation with the state emergency medical
services council and with input from regional emergency medical services
councils, may contract for services with subject matter experts to
assist in the oversight of the performance standards statewide.

5. Emergency medical services agencies that do not meet the
performance standards set forth in this section may be subject to
enforcement actions, including but not limited to revocation,
suspension, performance improvement plans, or restriction from specific
types of response including but not limited to suspension of ability to
respond to requests for emergency medical assistance or to perform
emergency medical services.