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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Live pathogenic microorganisms or viruses; handling; registration required; exceptions
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 32
§ 3200. Live pathogenic microorganisms or viruses; handling;
registration required; exceptions. 1. No person other than a licensed
practitioner of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine or a person
under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner of medicine,
dentistry, or veterinary medicine shall possess or cultivate live
pathogenic microorganisms or viruses other than vaccine virus

(a) unless he has satisfied the commissioner, or, in the city of New
York, the department of health of the city of New York, that such
microorganisms or viruses in his possession will not become a menace to
the public health, and,

(b) unless a registration number shall have been issued to him or his
employer within the preceding twelve months by the commissioner, or in
the city of New York, by the department of health of the city of New
York, or their authorized representatives.

2. (a) Where one or more persons work with such microorganisms or
viruses, application for the registration number required by the
provisions of this section shall be made by the person in charge of the
work in connection with which such microorganisms or viruses are

(b) If such person in charge is not a licensed practitioner of
medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine, before a registration
number is issued, he must first satisfy the commissioner, or in the city
of New York, the department of health of the city of New York, that such
microorganisms or viruses will not become a menace to the public health.

3. (a) If the same person remains in charge of the work, the
registration number shall be valid through April thirtieth of each year
and may be renewed upon application prior to its expiration.

(b) The registration number becomes invalid if a change is made in the
person in charge of the work or the work is conducted at a different
address, in which case a new application must be made.

4. A registration fee of one dollar shall be charged to cover the cost
of issuing the registration number.

5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to laboratories
maintained by the federal, state or municipal government.

6. The commissioner, or in the city of New York, the department of
health of the city of New York, is authorized to rescind such
registration number at any time for a cause.