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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Authority to issue initial licenses, amended licenses, and to renew licenses
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 33, TITLE 2
§ 3311. Authority to issue initial licenses, amended licenses, and to
renew licenses. 1. Subject to the provisions of this article the
commissioner is authorized to issue licenses authorizing the manufacture
or distribution of controlled substances.

2. An application for a license, amendment of a license, or renewal of
a license which, if granted, would authorize the manufacture or
distribution of a controlled substance which the applicant is not then
authorized to manufacture or distribute shall, with respect to any such
additional authorization, be treated as an application for an initial

3. An application for a license which, if granted, would authorize a
licensee to continue to manufacture or distribute a controlled substance
shall, with respect to such continued manufacture or distribution only,
be treated as an application for renewal of a license.

4. A late-filed application for the renewal of a license may, in the
discretion of the commissioner, be treated as an application for an
initial license.