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This entry was published on 2024-04-26
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Granting of renewal of licenses
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 33, TITLE 2
§ 3316. Granting of renewal of licenses. 1. The commissioner shall
renew a license unless he determines and finds that the applicant:

(a) is unlikely to maintain or be able to maintain effective control
against diversion; or

(b) is unlikely to comply with all federal and state laws applicable
to the manufacture or distribution of the controlled substance or
substances for which the license is sought.

* (c) is unlikely during the period of his or her license to complete
the reports or to pay the ratable share required by title two-A of this
article on or before the required date. Prior evidence of non-compliance
shall constitute substantial evidence of such.

* NB Repealed June 30, 2029

2. For purposes of this section, proof that a licensee, during the
period of his license, has failed to maintain effective control against
diversion or has knowingly or negligently failed to comply with
applicable federal or state laws relating to the manufacture or
distribution of controlled substances, shall constitute substantial
evidence that the applicant will be unlikely to maintain effective
control against diversion or be unlikely to comply with the applicable
federal or state statutes during the period of proposed renewal.