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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Refilling of prescriptions for controlled substances
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 33, TITLE 4
§ 3339. Refilling of prescriptions for controlled substances. 1.
Prescriptions for a schedule II controlled substance and those schedule
III or schedule IV controlled substances which the commissioner may
require by regulation may not be refilled.

2. A prescription, except for a schedule II controlled substance or
those schedule III or schedule IV controlled substances which the
commissioner may require by regulation may be refilled not more than the
number of times specifically authorized by the prescriber upon the
prescription, provided however no such authorization shall be effective
for a period greater than six months from the date the prescription is
signed. In the event that the prescription authorizes the dispensing of
more than a thirty day supply of schedule III, schedule IV or schedule V
substances pursuant to regulations of the commissioner enumerating
conditions warranting specified greater supplies, the prescription may
be refilled only once.

3. Unless an earlier refilling is authorized by the prescriber, no
prescription for a controlled substance may be refilled earlier than
seven days prior to the date the previously dispensed supply would be
exhausted if used in conformity with the directions for use.