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County or part-county boards of health; organization; appointment
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 3
§ 343. County or part-county boards of health; organization;
appointment. 1. The board of health of a county or part-county health
district shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be a member
of the board of supervisors, selected by the board of supervisors, and
at least one of whom shall be a physician licensed to practice in the
state of New York, and two of whom shall be a physician, nurse
practitioner, physician assistant or any combination thereof licensed to
practice in the state of New York, and in addition thereto, each city
which becomes a part of the county or part-county health district shall
be entitled to one additional representative member on the board of

2. The members of the board of health of a county or part-county
health district shall be residents of the health district or a resident
of a contiguous county who has a background in a health-related field
and performs other substantial work within the health district
associated with their health-related background.

3. (a) The members of the board of health shall be appointed by the
board of supervisors.

(b) The county medical society of the county in which a county or
part-county health district is established may submit to the board of
supervisors a list of physicians from which the board of supervisors may
choose the medical members of the board of health.

(c) The additional city representative members of the board of health
shall each be appointed by the board of supervisors from a list of three
persons submitted by the mayor or other administrative head of such
city. Such city representative members so appointed shall have all the
powers and duties conferred upon other members of said board.