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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Funeral directing; use of names; unlicensed persons prohibited
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 34, TITLE 3
§ 3443. Funeral directing; use of names; unlicensed persons
prohibited. 1. The name of any living person who has not been duly
licensed and is not duly registered as specified in this article shall
not be

(a) shown or displayed upon or in any funeral establishment; or,

(b) used alone, in, as part of, or in connection, association,
combination, or together with the name or title of any person, firm,
corporation or other form of enterprise engaged in funeral directing,
undertaking, or embalming or maintaining a mortuary, funeral home or
other similar establishment or using in connection with such name and
practice, the words funeral director, mortician, undertaker, embalmer,
or any other title or words of similar meaning or import on any card,
sign, stationery, or other printed, engraved or written instrument or
device or in any public or private announcement or advertisement; or,

(c) used in any manner as to give or tend to give the impression that
such person is licensed or practicing or entitled to practice as a
funeral director, undertaker, or embalmer.

2. A person who holds a license as a funeral director or undertaker
and is registered as required herein may hold himself out and advertise
as a funeral director, undertaker, or mortician.