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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cadavers; delivery to relatives or friends
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 42, TITLE 2
§ 4213. Cadavers; delivery to relatives or friends. 1. In the counties
of Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Madison and Cortland, a friend who claims
the body of a deceased person for interment or other disposition may be
required by the person having lawful possession, charge, custody or
control of it to present an affidavit stating (a) that such claimant is
a friend; (b) the facts and circumstances upon which the claim that he
is such friend is based; and (c), that he will bear the expense of such
interment or other lawful disposition. If such claimant shall refuse to
make such affidavit the body shall not be delivered to him but he shall
forfeit his claim and right to same. The expense of such affidavit, if
required, shall be paid by the person requiring the affidavit.

2. If the body of a deceased person is claimed for interment or other
lawful disposition by a relative and in the counties of Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, Madison and Cortland a relative or friend after
delivery or release to, and receipt by a university, college, school or
institute, same shall be given up and released to such relative or