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Community health assessment
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 602-a. Community health assessment. 1. Every municipality shall
submit to the department no more frequently than every two years, a
community health assessment.

2. The community health assessment shall be in such form as the
commissioner shall prescribe, and shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) an estimate and description of the health status of the population
and factors that contribute to health issues;

(b) identification of priority areas for health improvement, in
conjunction with the state health improvement plan;

(c) identification of public health services in the municipality and
in the community and other resources that can be mobilized to improve
population health, particularly in those priority areas identified in
paragraph (b) of this subdivision; and

(d) a community health improvement plan consisting of actions,
policies, strategies and measurable objectives through which the
municipality and its community partners will address areas for health
improvement and track progress toward improvement of public health