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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Economic factor
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 2-B
§ 489-hh. Economic factor. (a) In accordance with the policy of
reflecting the effect of the rate of earnings of a railroad company upon
the taxable value of its railroad property, an economic factor for each
railroad company shall be determined in relation to its ratio computed
pursuant to section four hundred eighty-nine-gg of this title. The said
economic factor shall be twenty percent if the ratio is one or more,
forty percent if the ratio is nine-tenths and one hundred percent if the
ratio is three-fourths or less. The said economic factor shall be
determined by interpolation to the nearest tenth of one percent if the
ratio is between one and nine-tenths or between nine-tenths and

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (a) of this section,
for purposes of determining railroad ceilings for interstate railroads
for assessment rolls completed in two thousand three and thereafter, the
percentage indicated opposite the ratio in the table in this subdivision
shall be the economic factor. If the ratio does not coincide with a
specific rate indicated in the table in this subdivision, the economic
factor for such company shall be determined by interpolation to the
nearest tenth of one percent.

Ratio Economic Factor


.60 100

.65 85

.70 70

.75 60

.80 50

.85 40

.90 30

.95 20

1.00 15

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (b) of this section,
whenever it shall appear that an economic factor is increasing more than
one-tenth from the economic factor established in the prior year, such
increase may not exceed one-tenth.