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This entry was published on 2023-09-29
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Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 4, TITLE 4-C
§ 499-aaaa. Definitions. When used in this title, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:

1. "Applicant" shall mean (a) with respect to an eligible building
held in the cooperative or condominium form of ownership, the board of
managers of a condominium or the board of directors of a cooperative
apartment corporation, or (b) with respect to any other eligible
building, the owner of such building.

2. "Application for tax abatement" shall mean an application for a
solar electric generating system and/or electric energy storage
equipment tax abatement pursuant to section four hundred
ninety-nine-cccc of this title.

3. "Architect" shall mean a person licensed and registered to practice
the profession of architecture under the education law.

4. "Compliance period" shall mean the tax year in which a tax
abatement commences and the three tax years immediately thereafter.

5. "Department of finance" shall mean the department of finance of a
city having a population of one million or more persons.

6. "Designated agency" shall mean one or more agencies or departments
of a city having a population of one million or more persons that are
designated by the mayor of such city to exercise the functions, powers
and duties of a designated agency pursuant to this title.

7. "Eligible building" shall mean a class one, class two or class four
real property, as defined in subdivision one of section eighteen hundred
two of this chapter, located within a city having a population of one
million or more persons. No building shall be eligible for more than one
tax abatement pursuant to this title prior to January first, two
thousand twenty-four.

8. "Eligible solar electric generating system expenditures" and
"eligible electric energy storage equipment expenditures" shall mean
reasonable expenditures for materials, labor costs properly allocable to
on-site preparation, assembly and original installation, architectural
and engineering services, and designs and plans directly related to the
construction or installation of a solar electric generating system
and/or electric energy storage equipment installed in connection with an
eligible building. Solar parking canopy structures shall be considered a
solar electric generating system for the purposes of this subdivision.
Such eligible expenditures shall not include interest or other finance
charges, or any expenditures incurred using a federal, state or local

9. "Engineer" shall mean a person licensed and registered to practice
the profession of engineering under the education law.

10. "Solar electric generating system" shall mean a system that uses
solar energy to generate electricity. Such system shall not include any
equipment connected to a solar electric generating system that is a
component of part or parts of a non-solar electric generating system or
that uses any sort of recreational facility or equipment as a storage

11. "Electric energy storage equipment" means a set of technologies
capable of storing electric energy and releasing that energy as electric
power at a later time. Electric energy storage technologies may store
energy as potential, kinetic, chemical or thermal energy that can be
released as electric power, and include, but are not limited to, various
types of batteries, flywheels, electrochemical capacitors, compressed
air storage and thermal storage devices.