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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Distinctive plates for war on terror veterans
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 14
* § 404-w. Distinctive plates for war on terror veterans. 1. Any war
on terror veteran residing in this state shall, upon request, be issued
a license plate bearing the words "War on Terror veteran". Application
for said license plate shall be filed with the commissioner in such form
and detail as the commissioner shall prescribe. For purposes of this
section, a "war on terror" veteran shall mean:

(a) a person who served in the armed forces of the United States in
the hostilities that occurred in the Persian Gulf from the eleventh day
of September, two thousand one, to the end of such hostilities, who (i)
was discharged therefrom under other than dishonorable conditions, or
(ii) has a qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the
veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other than bad
conduct or dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT
veteran, as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and
has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from
such service; or

(b) a person who served in the armed forces of the United States, in
the hostilities that occurred in Afghanistan from the eleventh day of
September, two thousand one, to the end of such hostilities, who (i) was
discharged therefrom under other than dishonorable conditions, or (ii)
has a qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the veterans'
services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has
received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such

2. The distinctive plate authorized by this section shall be issued
upon proof, satisfactory to the commissioner, that the applicant is a
war on terror veteran.

3. A distinctive plate issued pursuant to this section shall be issued
in the same manner as other number plates upon payment of the regular
registration fee prescribed by section four hundred of this article,
provided, however, that an additional one-time service charge of ten
dollars shall be charged for such plate.

* NB There are 2 § 404-w's