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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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State veterans' service agency
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
§ 13. State veterans' service agency. 1. A state veterans' service
agency established by the department pursuant to this article shall have
power and it shall be its duty to inform military and naval authorities
of the United States and assist members of the uniformed services and
veterans, who are residents of this state, and their families, in
relation to (1) matters pertaining to educational training and
retraining services and facilities, (2) health, medical and
rehabilitation services and facilities, (3) provisions of federal, state
and local laws and regulations affording special rights and privileges
to members of the uniformed services and war veterans and their
families, (4) employment and re-employment services, and (5) other
matters of similar, related or appropriate nature. The state veterans'
service agency also shall perform such other duties as may be assigned
by the state commissioner.

2. The state commissioner may, with the approval of the governor,
appoint and remove a director of the state veterans' service agency. The
state commissioner may from time to time establish, alter or abolish
state veterans' service agency districts within the state, establish or
abolish offices therefor, and appoint and at pleasure remove a deputy
director of the state veterans' service agency for each such district
office. With the approval of the state commissioner, the director of the
veterans' service agency may appoint such officers, consultants, clerks
and other employees as may be necessary to administer the functions of
the state veterans' service agency, fix their compensation within the
limitation provided by law, and prescribe their duties.