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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Local veterans' service committees
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
§ 17. Local veterans' service committees. The same authority which
appoints a local director shall appoint for each county and city
veterans' service agency a veterans' service committee to assist the
local director and shall appoint a chair thereof. Similar committees may
be appointed in each village and town where there is a deputy local
director by the mayor of such village and the supervisor of such town in
which the branch office of the deputy local director is located or in
which it operates. A similar committee may also be appointed in any city
in and for which there is not established a separate city veterans'
service agency, and in and for which there is a deputy local director
and a branch office of the county veterans' service agency; and such
appointment in any case shall be made by the city official authorized to
appoint a city director in the case of a separate city veterans' service