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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Department of veterans' services
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
§ 2. Department of veterans' services. There is hereby created a
department of veterans' services. The head of such department shall be
the New York state commissioner of veterans' services who shall be a
veteran. He or she shall be appointed by the governor and shall hold
office during his or her pleasure. Such state commissioner shall receive
an annual salary to be fixed by the governor within the limitation
provided by law. He or she shall also be entitled to receive his or her
expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him or her in the
performance of his or her duties. The state commissioner, with the
approval of the governor, may establish such bureaus within the
department as are necessary and appropriate to carrying out its
functions and may consolidate or abolish such bureaus. The state
commissioner may appoint such officers, consultants, clerks and other
employees and agents as he or she may deem necessary, fix their
compensation within the limitation provided by law, and prescribe their