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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Evidence of entitlement
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
§ 22. Evidence of entitlement. 1. The evidence of such service,
blindness, residence and domicile, or of such marriage, widowhood,
residence and domicile in each case shall be furnished in the manner and
form prescribed by the commissioner of veterans' services who shall
examine the same.

2. Upon being satisfied that such service was performed, that other
facts and statements in the application of such veteran or widow or
widower are true and that the said veteran has been classified by the
New York state commission for the visually handicapped as a blind
person, where such veteran is not receiving or not entitled to receive a
benefit from any existing retirement system to which the state is a
contributor, unless such veteran shall have become disabled by reason of
loss of sight, while engaged in employment entitling him or her to
receive a benefit from any existing retirement system to which the state
is a contributor, and as a result of such disability has retired from
such employment and is receiving or is entitled to receive a benefit
from such retirement system the commissioner of veterans' services shall
certify to the state comptroller the name and address of such veteran or
widow or widower.

3. Thereafter the department of taxation and finance, through the
division of finance, on the audit and warrant of the comptroller, shall
pay such veteran or widow or widower such sum as is authorized by the
provisions of this article in monthly installments for so long as such
veteran or widow or widower shall meet the requirements of this article.