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Intake forms for admission and residency
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 1
§ 29. Intake forms for admission and residency. 1. The department, in
cooperation with the office of temporary and disability assistance and
any other state department, office, division or agency the department
deems necessary, shall require that all intake forms for admission or
residency to any temporary shelter that is reimbursed from state or
state-administered grants or funds shall ask an applicant: "Have you or
anyone in your household ever been in the United States military?". Each
social services district or social services district's designee shall in
writing advise all individuals applying for temporary housing assistance
and identifying themselves as having been in the United States military
that the department of veterans' services and local veterans' service
agencies established pursuant to section fourteen of this article
provide assistance to veterans regarding benefits available under
federal and state law. Such written information shall include the name,
address and telephone number of the New York state department of
veterans' services, the nearest department of veterans' services office,
the nearest county or city veterans' service agency and the nearest
accredited veterans' service officer. Each social services district or
social services district's designee, with the permission of such
individual's identifying themself as a veteran, shall transmit such
veteran's status information to the department of veterans' services.

2. The department, in cooperation with the office of temporary and
disability assistance and any other state department, office, division
or agency the department deems necessary, shall encourage all other
temporary shelter providers to share information to increase veteran
access to benefits by:

(a) providing information on the department website including:

(i) potential questions for inclusion on intake forms including, but
not limited to: "Have you or anyone in your household ever been in the
United States military?";

(ii) advising such providers that all individuals identifying
themselves as having been in the United States military that the
division and local veterans' service agencies provide assistance to
veterans regarding benefits available under federal and state law; and

(iii) the address and telephone number of the department, county and
city veterans' service agencies and accredited veterans' service
officers; and

(b) facilitating the transmission of such veteran's status
information, with the permission of individuals identifying themselves
as a veteran, to the department.