Senate Resolution No. 2177
HONORING the distinguished veterans from the State
of New York upon the occasion of their induction
into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame
to be celebrated on May 16, 2017
WHEREAS, Members of the Armed Services from the State of New York,
who have served so valiantly and honorably in wars in which this
country's freedom was at stake, as well as in the preservation of peace
in peacetime, deserve a special salute from this Legislative Body; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with
long-standing tradition, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
the distinguished veterans from the State of New York upon the occasion
of their induction into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame
to be celebrated on May 16, 2017; and
WHEREAS, The New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame inductees
are members of any branch of the United States Armed Forces which
include Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Marine Corps; these
exceptional men and women are chosen for this prestigious honor based on
either service in combat or notable work performed after discharge from
the service; and
WHEREAS, The 2017 inductees include: Abraham Althaibani, Ismile
Althaibani, Ed Babor, Charles E. Bilbrey, Jr., Mike Bowen, June Brown
McNiven, Michael Christiano, Martin C. Connor, Silviu Dan, Sr., Michael
De Vito, Jr., Harold Dworetzky, Harold J. Enstice, Sal Famularo, Derek
J. Farley, Edwin Feliciano, Jr., Luz M. Fernandez-Aviles, Dennis Fink,
Muriel O. Frazier, Edwin L. Garris, Joseph Germano, George Godfrey, John
Edward Howlett, Henderson Leroy Hutchinson, William J. Larkin, Jr., Dr.
John Long, Donald MacIver, Hariton Marachilian, William H. McDonald,
Glennie Millard, Morris Miller, Patrick W. Miller, Maureen Morgan,
Kenneth Murphy, John Nardolillo, Joseph Nardolillo, Peter Nardolillo,
William Nardolillo, Stephen Neftleberg, Richard A. Olson, Brian R. Page,
Martina Parauda (VA Hospital), Betty Perkins-Carpenter, Reginald
Peterson, John Pieprzak, Ralph Prescuitti, Alice Psirakis Diacosavvas,
George Rodriguez, Dave Rogers, Anthony Salimbene, Vincent James Scali,
Gary Schacher, Philip Schatzle, Armando Seccurra, Arthur Seidman, Alice
R. Simpson, Scotty Smiley, Dr. Tom Smith, Dennis Staley, Dr. W. Barton
Van Slyke, Donald R. Waful, Jerry White, Sr., and Johnnie H. Williams,
Jr.; and
WHEREAS, The banner of freedom will always wave over our beloved New
York and all of America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave;
WHEREAS, The freedoms and security we cherish as Americans comes at
a very high price for those serving in the military in times of
conflict; it is fitting and proper that we who are the beneficiaries of
those who risk their lives, must never forget the courage with which
these men and women served their country; and
WHEREAS, Our Nation's veterans deserve to be recognized, commended
and thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and
for their dedication to their communities, their State and their Nation;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor the distinguished veterans from the State of New York upon the
occasion of their induction into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall
of Fame to be celebrated on May 16, 2017; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the 2017 inductees.