Holiday Greetings

John L. Sampson

December 16, 2007

Dear Neighbor/Friend :

Happy Holidays!! The holiday season is here again. It is the time of year when family ties are strengthened, faith and traditions are shared, cultures are celebrated and old acquaintances are renewed. There are countless blessings to be thankful for this holiday season. It is my wish that the joy and meaning of the season continue to live in our hearts throughout the year.

The Gift

He could not buy a present so he began to write
a poem for the ones he loved - they had changed his life.
No money could ever buy the gift of love they gave
to him, once just a stranger, they reached out to save.
And so with arms wide open and hearts wide open too,
strangers became family and gave him life anew.
And as the seasons changed, the Holidays grew near.
He searched to find that perfect gift to last all through the year.
And though he had no money he knew he'd find a way
to give them treasured happiness this special Holiday.
Sitting in his cozy room, it was the first he ever had,
he finished this, his priceless poem, it said," To Mom & Dad."

"Like the light that ends the darkness you came and rescued me
from a world of pain and woes, you set my spirit free.
I had lost all hope and joy till you came through the door.
You said you came to get me, I was the one you were looking for.
You told me I was special, you rebuilt faith, hope and love.
You are Heaven's angels - a gift from God above.
And though you are not wealthy, you gave me gifts untold -
a home, your love, and peace of mind - they're worth much more than gold.
And so this special season my heart is filled with joy
for I am someone special, I am your little boy.
If I had some money I would buy you lovely things,
a winter coat for Dad and Mom a diamond ring.
All I have I give to you, my poetry and prayers.
You said they are two things that kept you through the years.
I wish the Holidays would bring you joy and lots of cheer,
the kind of blessing you've been to folks all throughout the year.
And someday when I grow up, I promise to remember
that endless wealth is only found in love, hope, peace and laughter.
And as this poem draws to a close there's one thing I must say,
I wish for you God's richest blessings for this Holiday."

By: Michelle Edwin-Trotman

Whether you light the Menorah at Chanukkah, sing carols around the Christmas tree, practice the Principles of Kwaanza, or greet the New Year with thanksgiving, I wish you all the best the season brings.

Once again, Happy Holidays.

Very truly yours,