Flood Relief Assistance Contact Information
Here are some numbers to direct people in Chautauqua Co. to get help depending on what you may need:
- If your home was damaged or destroyed, you should contact DSS in Dunkirk (716-363-3500) as well as Chautauqua Opportunities (716-363-3333).
- If you are Seniors and need to be relocated due to unsafe conditions, you should contact one of the local offices for Office of the Aging. The Dunkirk office is 716-366-4465 (ask for Katie Finch). The Mayville office is 716-753-4471 (ask for Judy Brentley).
- If you are out of power or concerned about debris hitting power lines, you should call your power company (National Grid at 1-800-867-5222)
-If there is water damage or damage toproperty that is not threatening health and/or safety, you should contact your homeowner's insurance company.
- You can also contact the American Red Cross for assistance. See link here for local office contact numbers: http://www.chautauquaarc.org/index_files/Page441.htm
In case you need storm assistance for Catt & Alleg. Co's, here's where you call:
- In Cattaraugus County, The Office of Emergency Services at 716-938-2212 (or 716-938-2213 if busy). (Chris Baker, Dir.)
-In Allegany County, The Office of Emergency Services at 585-268-7658. (John Tucker, Dir)
- If you are out of power or concerned about debris hitting power lines, you should call their power company (National Grid at 1-800-867-5222 or RG&E at 1-800-743-1701)
-If there is water damage or damage top property that is not threatening health and/or safety, you should contact their homeowner's insurance company.
-You can also contact the American Red Cross for assistance. See link here for local office contact numbers: http://www.chautauquaarc.org/index_files/Page441.htm
Olean Phone: 716-372-5800
Wellsville Phone: 585-593-1531