F Train Town Hall
Daniel L. Squadron
December 4, 2009
This past summer, I called on the MTA to conduct a full line review of the F Train in response to the many constituent complaints I received regarding ongoing service problems. In October, the MTA released the findings from this review in a comprehensive report (which you can find on my website at: www.squadron.nysenate.gov).
To make this report even more accessible to the public, I and Community Boards 2 & 6 invite you to attend a Town Hall Meeting about the F train. MTA representatives will discuss the recent report about F train performance, and discuss proposals for improving service.
F Train Town Hall
Hosted by State Senator Daniel Squadron
WHEN: Thursday, December 10
6:30 pm
WHERE: PS 58 Auditorium
330 Smith Street, Brooklyn NY
(Corner of Smith and Carroll streets, at Carroll Street stop on the F line)
If you have any questions about this event or would like to receive a copy of the F train report, please don't hesitate to contact Ellen by phone at (718) 802-3818 or by e-mail at ellen@danielsquadron.org
I hope you can make it on the 10th.