Senator Skelos with the defending NCYFL 2007 Champions Inwood Buccaneers 10-year-old team

Dean G. Skelos

April 1, 2009

Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos joined the 10-year-old defending NCYFL 2007 Champions Inwood Buccaneers at their 2008 Annual Buccaneers Day. This event marks the beginning of the Buccaneers season. Along with the players, Senator Skelos was joined by: (as they appear from left to right) Frank DeCicco, Jr., Inwood Buccaneers Football Director; Jesse Mistero, Inwood community leader, Frank CeCicco Sr., Inwood Buccaneer President; Patty Vacchio, Inwood Buccaneer Vice President; and Patrick Pizzarelli, Lawrence School District Athletic Director.