Victory For NYS Transit, MTA Doomsday Averted

Eric T. Schneiderman

May 7, 2009

Crisis averted.

This week, the state Senate agreed on an MTA rescue plan that stopped the “doomsday” scenario so many New Yorkers feared. As a result of the deal, millions of subway and bus riders have been spared painful fare hikes and devastating service cuts.

The MTA budget agreement also expands oversight of the agency, ending its dubious bookkeeping practices and illegal perks for board members.

Check out this clip of me discussing the bill on the Senate floor.

Don’t get me wrong, this plan is not perfect. Subway and bus fares will go up, but nowhere near the crippling hikes proposed by the MTA. That said, this deal will make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of New Yorkers – and that’s something to celebrate.

I will continue to fight for affordable, reliable mass transit in our city and state. We’re not there yet, but we can breathe a little easier knowing the MTA is finally on the road to recovery.