Senator Farley met with members of the New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms

Hugh T. Farley

March 31, 2009

Pictured far left bottom is State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C - Schenectady) meeting with Schenectady County residents and members of the New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms on Mary 17th in Albany during the group's Legislative Day. Others in the photo include: Betty Wandem, Susan Groh, James Groh, Aubrey Lovelace, Lori Kehoe, Deb Cody, Carie Cody, Elaine Zimmer, Lois Van Schaick, Leonard Van Schaick, Barbara Van Schaick, George Van Schaick, Holly Van Schaick, William Preville, Andrew Yuhasz, Jay Stillinger, Larelie Phillips, and Joann Rarids.