Klein Presents 10K Grant to Help Low Income Families in Tuckahoe

Jeffrey D. Klein

August 25, 2009

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Klein gives $10k grant to help low income families in Tuckahoe

NEW YORK- On Friday, August 14th, 2009, Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) presented a $10,000 check to the Eastchester Community Action Program. ECAP will use the money for programs and services to help low and fixed income families who live in Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe.

ECAP helps more than 3-hundred families in the community. It provides a variety of youth services such as summer camps, after school programs and business classes.  ECAP will specifically use the grant money to help fund its already existing programs in addition to rebuilding the computer lab and providing computer lessons for senior citizens.

“ECAP plays an important role in our community and I am thrilled to help support programs that enhance the lives of our youth and seniors.”

Students, parents and board members eagerly gathered with Klein to accept the grant.


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