Happy Memorial Day

Malcolm A. Smith

May 22, 2009

Memorial Day is a special holiday--a day during which we honor the spirit of all those who died in service to our nation and whom we continue to remember and honor in our hearts.

As our nation continues to be at war, many of us have loved ones who are making the most difficult sacrifices imaginable and taking enormous risks to protect our country. As we remember these sacrifices, let us stand together as a nation, as a state, and as a people, and renew our pledge to honor our veterans and to support their families.

While we are enjoying time with family and friends this Memorial Day, let us stop and give honor to all the members of the Armed Forces and particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Every day, but particularly on this day, we salute their tremendous dedication and commitment to preserving the liberties and freedoms granted in our Constitution and in keeping our nation strong.

I wish you a great Memorial Day weekend.